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Renew a Taxi Driver Licence

You will receive notification from us approximately two months prior to the expiry of your licence.  We must receive the completed renewal application form and all documentation before your current licence expires.  If you fail to meet the renewal deadline you will no longer be licensed and unable to drive a hackney carriage or private hire vehicle.  You will have to make a new application for a Hackney Carriage/Private Hire Vehicle Driver Licence. 

There are two stages to the renewal process.

Stage 1 (Pre-application)

  • If you have a current enhanced DBS certificate less than three months old or an enhanced DBS certificate linked to the update service please contact us to make sure it meets our requirements.
  • Provide a completed application form and statutory declaration form.  Provide three pieces of supporting documentation for the DBS process.
  • Provide documentation to show you have the right to work in the UK.
  • Provide a colour copy of your DVLA driving licence - front and back.
  • Pay the pre-application and licence fee of £251.00 and the DBS fee of £49.50 (if applicable).  We will phone you to take these payments. 

Once we receive these payments we will send a link for you to complete the online DBS application.

Stage 2 (Licence application)

  • Provide a valid enhanced DBS certificate or if you are registered to use the DBS update service, your original enhanced DBS certificate.
  • Provide a completed Breckland Council Medical Declaration form.  You must use the Breckland Council form and a GP must certify you as being 'Fit to Drive' to DVLA GB Medical Standards for Group 2 Licence Holders.  This must be carried out either by your registered GP or by our appointed supplier of driver medicals, D4Drivers.  A separate fee is payable to your GP or D4Drivers for completion of our medical declaration form.

Using Your Own GP.  Contact your own medical practice and book your medical with your GP.  Most surgeries ask for payment at the time the medical is carried out.  Take the Breckland medical form with you to your appointment for your GP to fill out, sign and date. 

Using D4Drivers.  Contact D4Drivers by phone (found on their website) or the link detailed below to book and pay for your medical appointment.  You will need to get a summary of your medical history from your GP surgery (this should be free of charge).  Please note that the summary must not be more than 30 days old when you have your appointment with D4Drivers or you will be turned away.  You must take the medical history summary and the Breckland Medical Declaration Form with you to your appointment. 

Once you are 65 years old, or for certain medical conditions, a yearly medical will be required.

D4Drivers are the only alternative to your registered GP that Breckland Council will accept.

  • Provide a certificate of attendance of the Taxi and Private Hire Safeguarding training (opens new window).  This must be the face to face course provided by the Blue Lamp Trust not the e-learning course.  A separate fee is payable for this training.
  • Provide one colour photograph, with a plain background (the photograph must be a true likeness of the applicant at the time of the application).

Important Points to Note

  • NAFN NR3s - National Register of Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Driver refusals and revocations. Your application will be checked against the National Register to see if you have had any previous applications/licences suspended, refused or revoked.
  • HMRC -When renewing your Hackney Carriage/Private Hire Vehicle Driver, you need to provide us with a HMRC share code (opens new window). If you do not provide this share code, your licence will not be renewed.
  • Limited time restricted documents
    • Once completed, the Breckland Medical Declaration form is valid only for three months from the date of issue.
    • The DBS certificate is only valid for three months from the date of issue.
    • The safeguarding certificate is only valid for three months

If any of these documents fall outside of these timeframes, these will be invalid and you will need to carry them out again at your own expense. 

  • If all required documents are not received by the licence expiry date, you may be required to apply as a new taxi driver.
  • It is important you keep your telephone number, postal and email address up to date with the Licensing Team

Grant or Refusal

  • Once a hackney carriage/private hire driving licence has been granted, the licence holder will be subject to the Council's Taxi Policy and all conditions contained within.
  • If an officer believes your application goes against the Breckland taxi policy you will be advised and may have the option to go before a panel for them to determine your application.  However, if you choose to go before Panel you need to be aware that if the licence renewal is refused, your details will be entered onto the National Register of Refusals (NAFN NR3s) for a period of 11 years which may affect any future applications to any local authority for a licence.
  • It is illegal for a driver to refuse to carry a guide or assistance dog unless the driver has a medical exemption certificate issued by the council.  Drivers that refuse to carry a guide or assistance dog and do not have an exemption certificate could face a fine of up to £1,000 following a conviction at the Magistrates Court.
  • Are you currently receiving Universal Credit or Council Tax Benefit?  Do you currently have a claim in progress? If yes, and you are successful with your application, please contact Department for Work and Pensions and Breckland Council when you start work as your benefit entitlement may be affected.

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Last modified on 29 November 2024