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Essential website maintenance for up to an hour between 10.00am Saturday 22 February and 1pm Sunday 23 February.

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Compliments & Complaints

    We encourage all issues and complaints to be raised directly with services via ourGeneral Enquiry Form, this will ensure your issue/complaint goes directly to the service and can be resolved as quickly and as efficiently as possible.

    Before you make a formal complaint there may be another way we can help. You might want to :

    Your views, whether positive or negative, play an important part in helping us to improve our services. Customer comments, good or bad, are treated with equal weight and are responded to promptly.

    Pay a Compliment

    If you have received particularly good service, we enjoy hearing about what has gone well, it is just as important in helping the council shape services as negative feedback and complaints. Copies of all compliments will be forwarded to the relevant Service Manager.

    If a compliment is received about a Councillor,  this will be forwarded to the Leader of the Council, the Leader of the political party concerned and the Councillor themselves.

    Submit a compliment

    Formal Corporate Complaints

    If you have raised an issue with a service before and do not feel that this has been adequately dealt with then you may wish to submit a Formal Complaint to the Council.

    Corporate/Formal Complaints are managed  by our Corporate Complaints and Performance team and an acknowledgement will be sent once this is picked up by the team and passed on to the correct service, we aim to do this within 5 working days of receipt. When responding to Corporate Complaints the following time scales will apply.

    • Stage 1 complaints are to be responded to within 15 working days of receipt 
    • Stage 2 responses are due within 20 working days from receipt of request to escalate the complaint 

    In exceptional circumstances we may require a longer investigation time, in this instance we will contact you to advise of the new timescale.

    If you wish to make a formal complaint please refer to ourCorporate Feedback page

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    Last modified on 19 March 2024