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Breckland Mindful Towns

Becoming a Mindful Town or Village

How do we become a Mindful Village?

All 5 market towns in Breckland have achieved the 'Mindful Town' status and we are excited to support our parishes to be recognised as Mindful Villages. Every community should have the opportunity to become 'Mindful' and we want to celebrate steps that communities take towards improved mental wellbeing.


  • Train minimum of 2 Mental Health Community Champions
  • Organise or expand at least one mindful activity
  • Encourage open conversations which reduce the stigma around mental health
  • Normalise offering help

Additional information:

  • Community Champions should be well placed to identify and engage in conversation with anyone needing support with their Mental Health, and after completing a free training session from the Breckland Mental Health Partnership, should be confident to signpost to appropriate clinical or community support.
  • Community Champions could be from local sports clubs, the pub, small businesses, community organisations, the parish council, or individuals in the community. Find out more about the training on our webpage. or contact us to discuss bespoke training.
  • Mindful activity can be any activity to support a person's wellbeing and could be a mindfulness walk, gratitude board or tea and talk sessions. If you need some inspiration, contact us to discuss your ideas. 
  • Encouraging open conversations in your area could involve creating a supportive environment within physical or online spaces, or dedicating a quiet area for confidential chats.
  • Normalise offering help and reduce the stigma of reaching out by readily sharing physical and digital resources. Other initiatives could include setting up a hardship fund or befrienders club for peer support. 

Apply for Mindful Town or Village status


  • Minimum of 2 trained Community Champions
  • Delivering a Mindful activity
  • Actively encouraging open conversations
  • Proactively offering help where appropriate 

The lead for your group or parish should complete the application form below. Successful villages will receive a pack of resources to promote their Mindful Towns and Village status. 

Apply for Mindful Town/Village Status


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Last modified on 17 March 2025