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Breckland Corporate Plan 2024 to 2028

3. Working Smarter 2035

Breckland Council has recognised that there is a climate emergency that needs our urgent attention

We are a dynamic, innovative organisation that embraces new, environmentally-friendly ways of working, delivering a nationally recognised programme of change designed to help us put residents and businesses at the heart of everything we do. 

Our aim is to continually improve the delivery of services so that we are not only meeting or exceeding customer need, but also offering value for-money. We do this through building strong and trusted relationships  with our partners, and by developing a high-performance work culture. Enabling remote working has seen us break down the barriers of site specific working, so members and officers are empowered and enabled  to work at the location and time which meets business demand and best supports the delivery of high-quality services.

Through our culture of trust, support and empowerment, we aim to be an employer and partner of choice: where others want to work for - and with - us. Together, we can make great things happen for our district. Our approach to working in a greener, more sustainable way, will underpin everything we do as an organisation, informing the decisions we make and the actions we take: from how we collect waste and recycle, and what our towns and villages will look like in the future, through to how we use our own office spaces. 

We recognise that as a community leader, we have a responsibility to take positive action in support of this. The way we plan to do to this is set out in our 'Breckland 2035' Sustainability Strategy.

What we will achieve

Through this plan we will deliver on the following key outcomes:

  • Provide exceptional services in a flexible way to meet our residents', businesses', visitors', and partners' needs, ensuring services are accessible to all
  • Continue to innovatively use our resources to produce a balanced budget to enable the delivery of our (statutory and additional) services
  • Make sure we are using the best mix of service delivery models to deliver value for our residents and businesses
  • Continue to reduce our carbon footprint and enable residents to take actions for themselves
  • Protect and enhance our outstanding local environment through proactive action to prevent environmental crime
  • Support and enable communities and businesses to protect their local environment and reduce carbon emissions, taking enforcement action where needed
  • Continue driving efficiency and innovation through our waste and recycling contract - to not only deliver strong performance and efficiency, but to educate our residents about reducing waste

Strategic priorities

To achieve these outcomes, we will:

  • Develop a 'smarter working' organisation using data to better predict, plan for and provide services;
  • Review our ICT systems to improve customer experience and reduce costs;
  • Invest in digital service delivery, including our website, giving customers more choice, control and convenience in how they access our services - and giving us more time to spend with those who need extra support;
  • Deliver a financially sustainable balanced budget in the short, medium & long term; through prudent investment and cost-saving plans;
  • Maximise external funding income and undertake external borrowing to invest in our priorities where the business case supports this; Protect the organisation by making sure we are well-governed, democratically accountable, and legally compliant;
  • Support and empower our people to be the best they can be through wellbeing support, development, and training;
  • Promote our council to protect and enhance its reputation, helping us to attract and retain high-calibre staff; and making sure we are seen to be a partner of choice to work with others across the district, and beyond;
  • Work towards delivering the council's target to be NetZero by 2035, embedded in the wider Corporate Plan through a range of plans and activities:
  • Make improvements to our buildings and explore renewable energy options to reduce their carbon footprint.

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Last modified on 21 October 2024