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Parish polls

A parish poll takes place as a result of a parish meeting. Its purpose is to ascertain whether the opinion of the meeting reflects that of the majority of electors in the parish.

Parish polls provide an opportunity for local electors to express an opinion on a specific local subject, either by giving an answer to a particular question or in relation to an appointment of office.

The way in which a parish poll can be called is set out inThe Parish and Community Meetings (Polls) Rules 1987 (opens new window).

10 electors, or one third of electors present and voting (whichever number is less) at a relevant Parish Meeting, can demand a poll on a question, or an appointment of office. The actual request for a poll cannot be subject to a vote at the meeting, but if a poll is demanded on a question, the wording of the question can be voted on.

The Chairman of the meeting must notify the Returning Officer at Breckland Council to give notice of poll.

Key features of parish polls

What is a parish poll? 

It is a poll requested by the parishioners of an electoral area to obtain the opinion of electors on a particular question(s) or appointment of office.

Who can request a poll?

Either 10 electors or one third of electors present and voting at the parish meeting.

How will I know when a parish poll is taking place?

A notice of poll will be displayed in the parish not less than five days before the poll. The notice of poll will include the date, time and place of the poll, a description of the electors who can vote, and the particulars of the question with the name and address of its proposer.

Will I receive a poll card?

No - there are no provisions in the regulations for poll cards to be issued.

What time is the polling station open?

Polling Stations will be open from 16:00 until 21:00 on the day of the poll.

Can I vote by post or proxy?

No - there are no provisions in the regulations for the issue of postal votes or the appointment of proxies. All electors must vote in person at the polling station.

How do I vote?

You will be given a ballot paper at the polling station with a question on it. You will be asked to vote "yes" or "no" by marking an (X) in the relevant box.

What happens after the poll?

A parish poll is carried out to obtain the opinion of the parish and the result is not legally binding on the parish or town council.

Where will the results be displayed?

The results will be posted on the council website and the parish council website. The results will also be posted on the council's and parish council's notice boards.

Who pays for the parish poll?

Breckland Council will recharge the relevant parish or town council underSection 150 (2 and 7) of the Local Government Act 1972 (opens new window).

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Last modified on 30 May 2023