Life as a District Councillor and how to become one
Payment, Tax and Social Security
How much does a Councillor get paid?
Councillors all receive a basic allowance which is designed to help towards the cost of being a councillor. However, some Members of the Council receive an additional allowance to reflect the fact that they hold positions of greater responsibility. For 2023/2027 these are currently:
Basic Allowance - £6,100.00 per annum
Special Responsibility Allowance - from £2055.00 to £23,119.00 per annum (according to the position held)
Do allowances count as income for taxation or social security purposes?
Most allowances do. It is important that they are declared as income for the purposes of any tax return or social security claim.
Am I allowed to take time off from my employment to carry out my council duties?
Yes, employers are required under the Employment Rights Act 1996 to provide reasonable time off for public duties.
Will I get paid time off?
There is no legal requirement for an employer to pay a councillor for the time they take off for public duties.
Travel and Subsistence Allowance
You are able to claim reimbursement for attendance at meetings whether you are a member of that committee or not, or have been appointed as substitute for another Member who cannot attend.
Dependent's Carer's Allowance
This allowance is payable for expenses incurred by Members for the care of their children or dependent's whilst attending meetings. Democratic Services can provide further information.