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Advice on Reducing Noise from Domestic Appliances

Washing machines, vacuum cleaners and other domestic appliances can be very noisy and their use in people's homes causes a surprising number of complaints.  This page gives some simple precautions you can take in your home to avoid causing nuisance.

Most of us use various domestic electrical appliances in our homes. Washing machines, tumble dryers, vacuum cleaners and the rest save us an enormous amount of effort in our housework, and we wouldn't want to be without them. Unfortunately, they are all rather noisy and can lead to noise complaints.

Many people have jobs during the day and therefore have to do their housework in the evenings. However, this does not give them the right to annoy their neighbours at all hours of the day and night. We all have to be reasonable to live together.

Thankfully, noise disturbance can be minimised by some simple precautions; mainly by keeping these noisy activities to reasonable hours. The advice given below includes some tips on how to avoid causing problems.

Using the vacuum cleaner

The council receives a surprisingly large number of complaints about people doing their 'hoovering' very late at night, or early in the morning. Please don't do your vacuum cleaning at midnight (or even later) - it really causes problems for other people! Please keep to our recommended hours outlined below.

Using noisy domestic appliances

People need and expect a rest from noise at the weekend and in the evenings. It is especially important if young children are involved. Therefore, please try to limit the hours of use of noisy domestic appliances and keep to the recommended hours below. Try to reduce their use at the weekends and especially in the evenings. 

Recommended hours for using domestic appliances

During the week, please don't use domestic appliances before 8am in the morning or past 9pm in the evening. On weekends, you might want to be more considerate to neighbours and only use noisy appliances between 9am and 5pm.

How to avoid problems with noisy domestic appliances
Position of appliances

The best position for washing machines, tumble dryers and dishwashers is as far away from your neighbour's premises as possible.  Ideally, locate the machine on the ground floor of your building, preferably on a solid floor. This reduces the vibration and noise. Don't locate the machine next to the party wall between you and your neighbour as the noise is likely to reach next door. Try to minimise vibration - Try to isolate the washing machine, tumble dryer or dishwasher. Place it on a rubber mat or additional layers of carpet to reduce vibration.


Make sure you have the machine well maintained. It will make more noise if it is not looked after!


This is important with washing machines and tumble dryers. Try to get the weight of the load correct as recommended by the manufacturer. Too little, or too much washing, causes the drum to vibrate and makes an awful amount of noise! It also wears out your machine.

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Last modified on 14 May 2024