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Damp and Mould

Damp, Mould and Condensation Overview

Damp, mould, and condensation are frequent household problems that come from excess moisture that gathers on surfaces in your home.

If you've seen mould in your home, it's essential to get rid of it as soon as possible. 

These pages have been designed to offer advice and information about damp and condensation, and how we can help you.

We are launching our very own Breckland Healthy Homes service in order to be able to support this! 

Breckland District Council and several other Local Authorities have been awarded funding to support you to combat damp, mould and condensation.

The Healthy Homes fund is specifically aimed at those living in private rented properties and landlords. However, our friendly team here at Breckland are available to support all our residents.

Please read our helpful information including links to government guidance and funding to check eligibility.

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Last modified on 23 September 2024