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Vary a DPS application - Guidance Notes

  1. Describe the premises. For example the type of premises it is.
  2. An application to vary a premises licence so as to name a different premises supervisor may be given immediate effect (that is, from the time that the application is received by the Licensing Authority) if the premises licence holder requests it at the time he makes an application under Section 37. Section 38 enables the holder of a premises licence to continue the supply of alcohol if, for example, the existing premises supervisor is suddenly indisposed or unable to work. If the application is rejected, the licence reverts to the form it took before the application was made.
  3. A full copy of the application form must be sent to the chief officer(s) of police for the police area(s) in which the premises are situated. The notice should state whether Section 38 of that Act (circumstances in which Section 37 application given interim effect) applies to the application.
  4. Section 37(4)(b) of the Licensing Act 2003 requires the premises licence holder to notify the existing designated premises supervisor (if any) about this application. It is sufficient for the licensee to inform the existing premises supervisor in writing, without the need to share the specific details of the application. The notice should state whether Section 38 of that Act (circumstances in which Section 37 application given interim effect) applies to the application.
  5. The application form must be signed.
  6. An applicant's agent (for example solicitor) may sign the form on their behalf provided that they have actual authority to do so.
  7. Where there is more than one applicant, both applicants or their respective agents must sign the application form.
  8. This is the address which we shall use to correspond with you about this application.

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Last modified on 23 May 2024