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Main Modifications Consultation

Following the completion of the Examination Hearing Sessions, a schedule of Main Modifications to the Local Plan was published for consultation. The Inspector considers these changes necessary in order for the Local Plan to be found 'sound'. A first round of consultation was carried out between 18 February and 1 April 2019. Further information on this consultation can be found here:

Consultation on Main Modification 1

This was followed by a further round of consultation (MM2) on main modifications MM18, MM119 and MM148 between 3 April and 15 May 2019 Further information on this consultation can be found here:

Consultation on Main Modification 2

A final round of consultation (MM3) was held on main modifications from 30 May and 12 July 2019. This consultation was necessary as the wording of several modifications was not accurately presented in the corrected version of the published Plan. There were also some inconsistencies with and omissions from the Schedule of Main Modifications document. (Erratum): In the Schedule of Main Modifications the 'Reason for Change' under MM17A should refer to MM17 and not MM36). Further information on this consultation can be found here:

Consultation on Main Modification 3

Representations (in full) received to all these consultations have been submitted to the Inspector undertaking the examination. The Inspector will consider all the comments received and will decide whether any further hearings are necessary, or any issues need to be revisited. At the end of the examination process the Inspectors will present their final conclusions in their Reports into the examination of each Local Plan. If the plans are found 'sound', with any necessary modifications, they would be able to be adopted by the Council.

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Last modified on 01 June 2022