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Adopted Local Plan

Site Specific Policies and Proposals

The Site Specifics Policies and Proposals DPD, adopted in early 2012, allocates areas of land for different uses to deliver the requirements of the Breckland Core Strategy and thus meet the development needs of the District up to 2026.

Land has been allocated for new housing, employment, retail and open space. As well as proposals for the allocation of land for specific types of development, the document sets out requirements, where appropriate, for development briefs and concept statements. Furthermore, the document has also reviewed Settlement Boundaries in the District in line with the Core Policies contained within the adopted Core Strategy and Development Control Policies DPD.

The Site Specific Policies and Proposals DPD covers the entire District with the exception of Thetford, Attleborough and Snetterton Heath including the parishes of Besthorpe, Snetterton and Quidenham. Allocations in Thetford have been made through the Thetford Area Action Plan (TAAP), adopted in 2012. However, production of the Attleborough and Snetterton Heath Area Action Plan (ASHAAP) has ceased and therefore future allocations in these areas will be addressed through the new district wide Local Plan. Please see the entry below for more details on the ASHAAP.

The following policies will continue to be applicable and used alongside the adopted local plan policies: D1, D2, D5, D6, SW1, SW2 and SW3.

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    Last modified on 24 February 2022