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02/12/2024: Anglia Revenues Partnership celebrates national award win

ARP IIRV Award 2024

At the National Institute of Revenues Rating and Valuation (IRRV) Awards on 10 October, the Anglia Revenues Partnership (ARP) was announced winner of the Revenues and/or Local Taxation Team of the Year (Unitary and Joint Working) Award. The Institute of Revenues, Rating & Valuation is the national association for Revenues and Benefits services throughout Great Britain, where every Council is a member.  

The inspection itself took place in July where ARP showcased their progressive work and how residents and businesses remain at the forefront of everything they do. 

The awards panel was looking for organisations to demonstrate that they were raising the standards of service to achieve high levels of performance, customer satisfaction and effective administrative procedures in revenues (Council Tax, Non-Domestic Rates, sundry debts, and so on). There needed to be evidence of excellence in delivery and a customer focused service. 

ARP was up against four other very strong finalists and competition was tough. It's a great testament to the organisation that they emerged as winners, as well as all the council services that support the ARP, whose continued dedication and commitment is recognised in this award. 

The submission focused on several areas: 

  • how everyone in the organisation makes a difference and how ARP values all input 
  • ARP's supportive, joined up approach to collection 
  • the expansion of ARP's in-house enforcement and fraud teams to maximise income 
  • how ARP support vulnerable customers 
  • how ARP embrace partnership working and the benefits - including the ability to benchmark internally 
  • successful collaborative projects with wider partner councils 
  • partnership working and relationship building with county councils and government departments. 

Cllr Phil Cowen, Breckland Council's Executive Member for Finance, Revenue and Benefits, said: "Winning this award is a testament to the hard work and dedication of everyone at the Anglia Revenues Partnership. Commitment to excellence in service and innovation in supporting both residents and businesses are at the core of everything the team does. I am immensely proud of the ARP team, whose continued dedication has led to this national recognition." 

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Last modified on 10 December 2024