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Essential website maintenance for up to an hour between 10.00am Saturday 22 February and 1pm Sunday 23 February.

This may affect your ability to report problems with bins, pay for Garden waste, report fly-tipping and view aspects of My Breckland

Guidance Notes for completing Pavement Licence Application

Section 1: Complete this section if you are applying for the licence as an individual.

Section 2: Complete this section if you are applying in another capacity, for example a Limited company.

Section 3: Provide details of the business premises that the pavement licence will be used in conjunction with.

Section 4: Tick one of the options to indicate what purpose the business premises is used for.

Section 5: Describe the area of highway that you want to place the removable furniture on. The description should indicate the proximity of the area of highway to the business premises and give details of the dimension of the area.

Section 6: A pavement licence can only be used to authorise the planning of removable furniture on the highway for certain 'relevant purposes'. Please tick one option to indicate what purpose(s) the removable furniture placed on the highway will be used for if a licence is granted.

Section 7: Please indicate the times you would like to place removable furniture on the highway for on each day of the week. Use the 24 hr clock (so for example you should put 19:00 rather than 7.00 pm). Please note the Council's standard conditions for pavement licences prevent furniture being placed on the highway under the authority of a pavement licence before 08:00 or after 22:00 on any day.

Section 8: Use this section to describe the removable furniture you wish to place on the highway. You should provide full details including the nature of the furniture, the size of the furniture and the number of items of furniture you wish to place on the highway.

Section 9: Please specify the date on which the application is being made. Please note that the application will not be considered complete until all required documents and the application fee have been received.

Section 10: Use this checklist to make sure you have submitted all required documents with the application.

Section 11: The applicant must complete this section to confirm they have read and understood the declarations listed.

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Last modified on 17 May 2024