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Breckland Draft Local Plan (Partial Review)

This form should be used to provide representations on the Breckland District Council Local Plan (Partial Update). Representations must be received by 17:00 on 11 November 2022.  Along with the duly made representations received during the first consultation held in August and September 2022, representations received within this second consultation period have the statutory right to be considered by the inspector at the subsequent examination.

This form can be submitted via the, by email to or by post to

Breckland Council: Local Plan: Partial Review

Regulation 19 Consultation

Planning Department

Breckland Council

Elizabeth House,

Walpole Loke,

Dereham, Norfolk,

NR19 1EE

Download Publication Stage Representations Form to complete

The Draft Local Plan (Partial Update) and a full list of supporting documents and evidence are also available to view and download from the Council's Local Plan Review webpage

Please note:

  • Representations must only be made on the basis of the legal compliance or soundness of the Plan, or compliance with the Duty to Co-operate.
  • All representations are required to be made public and will be published on the Council's website following this consultation. Your representations and name/name of your organisation will be published, but other personal information will remain confidential. Anonymous responses will not be considered. Your personal data will be held and processed in accordance with the Council's Privacy Notice which can be viewed at: Planning privacy notices

This form has two parts:

Part A - Personal details - only necessary to complete once

Part B - Your representation(s) - please complete a separate sheet for each representation you wish to make.

Please note: If using the online form you are required to complete a form for each representation.

Before completing the form, please make sure that you have read the

Make an online representation

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Last modified on 23 November 2023