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Section 106 Funding Guidance Notes

These guidance notes take you through each question in the project proposal form giving advice on the information we are asking you to provide.

Please do not fill in the project proposal form until you have read and understood the following.

Contact Details

Main contact

This person will need to answer questions we may have about your project. Please give us the contact details of the person that is leading on the project and will be easily contactable.

What kind of group are you?

We need to know what types of group you are, therefore please state the nature of your group.

Project Details

1. Title of Project

Here we would like you to state the name you are giving your project.

2. Please describe your project

This question is the most important part of the form. We are asking for a detailed description of your project, which should include:

  • A site plan.
  • Full costings of any land, equipment or materials proposed.
  • Detailed specifications of any buildings, equipment (including the relevant BS standard) or materials proposed.
  • A timescale for the provision of the recreational facilities.

You will also be required to have a post installation carried out by ROSPA and a copy of the certificate provided to the Authority. It is important that you provide a succinct overview of how you will develop your project and use the funding.

3How have you consulted with local people about the project?

(For example: Village Appraisal results, local consultation events with young people, letters of support.) Please upload any supporting information for this question.

We need you to show us that your project is needed by the community and will be well used. Ask yourself how you know there is a lack of provision for a particular age range or group of young people living locally.

Your parish or town may have completed a village appraisal or town health check that has highlighted a particular need, this evidence could be used in this question. You may have conducted a consultation event and discovered a strong need for a particular activity.

If you have used a variety of consultation methods please tell us about them and append any documents you feel appropriate.

4. What age groups is this project intended for?

Please indicate what age groups it is intended that your project will benefit.

5. Project Outcomes. Briefly describe what difference your project will make by listing up to five proposed outcomes

We want to know the difference you intend to make or the change you want to bring about for your beneficiaries. Outcomes are the changes which come about as a result of your project. Examples of outcomes for a project are:

  • More positive community attitude to young people.
  • Young people are more confident about expressing opinions.
  • Increased skills for young people.
  • Young people are aware of the options.

If you only have one or two outcomes that is fine, but please do not list more than five.

Capital Projects

6. Do you need planning permission for your project?

We need to get an idea of the size and estimated length of time your project is going to take to complete and what is involved. If your project needs planning permission that is fine but you will need to schedule that time in to the project development.

6a. Where will your project be located?

We need to see that your project is well thought through and highly likely to happen. We are unable to fund projects that are still just in the "idea" stages. We also need to see how accessible your project will be and if sited in the most appropriate position.

6c. How will you fund the ongoing costs relating to your project once a grant has been made?

(Please list your principal costs, such as inspections/insurance/safety checks/grounds maintenance/replacement equipment.)

Projects we fund need to show they will be sustainable beyond any contribution given, therefore please tell us how you will fund the ongoing costs of your project and list the principal costs you will need to cover. For example, the cost of annual inspections, annual insurance costs and ground maintenance.

6d.  Have you consulted the Police Architectural Liaison Officer for advice? 

(Please upload a copy of the report.)

The positioning of capital play projects needs to be well thought through to avoid unnecessary conflict in the community.

All successful projects will need to have taken advice and guidance from the Police Architectural Liaison Officer for your area


Is the recipient organisation able to re-claim VAT?

We need this information as it will affect the amount of money you will be applying for.

Expenditure: Give details of the costs of your project

It is important that you give an accurate estimate based on actual quotes. Please upload a copy of the quote received. If your project is successful we will require detailed information regarding your costs.

It is important that you get realistic quotes for your project as we are not able to ask for more money once a grant has been awarded. Giving unrealistic quotes could jeopardise your project if you are left with a shortfall.

Please give us the total estimated cost of your project in the section at the bottom of the question

Please tell us if you have any additional funding to put towards this project

You may want to maximise your grant by putting other funding you may have secured towards the project. If you have funding already in place to put towards the project please tell us.

Total funding requested

Please tell the total cost you are requesting.


It is important to complete the declaration at the bottom of the application form, if this is not complete we will be unable to accept the application form.

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Last modified on 02 December 2024