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4. Our priorities and how we are doing

4.1 Corporate Plan

TheCorporate Plan sets out what this council wants to achieve, and in particular, how we will work with partners to achieve our vision.

4.2 Service strategies and plans

Each service has responsibility for their own policies, strategies and service plans.

View our 'Strategies, plans and policies' page for more information.

4.3 Internal and external organisation performance reviews

Performance reviews are discussed at Governance and Audit Committee.

Read Governance and Audit Committee minutes (opens new window).

4.4 Managing performance

The council's Corporate Plan sets out how the council will manage performance. This includes agreeing an Annual Action Plan and assessing quarterly performance reports of the progress in delivering the plan. See 4.1 for link to Corporate Plan. 

4.5 National and local performance indicators

Find more information about our performance online (opens new window).

4.6 Strategies developed in partnership

Partnership working is high on the Central Government agenda and can provide opportunities for providing improved delivery of major projects or services. This requires the creation of a sustainable relationship with suppliers in the public, private, social enterprise or voluntary sectors to deliver services carry out major projects or acquire supplies and equipment.

The council also seeks to enter into collaborative arrangements with other councils and public bodies to combine buying power, to procure or commission goods, works or services jointly or to create shared services for the mutual benefit of all.

4.7 Business Support

The council contributes to and supports the development of the local economy directly through the Regeneration Team and partnership working with a range of services such as Planning, Land and Property, and Environmental Services.

The Regeneration team are dedicated to provide the highest level of support for your business, providing both strategic and project-based work in order to deliver services for individuals, communities and businesses across the district.


4.8 Key and Exempt Decision Plans

Read more about Key and Exempt Decision Plans due to be made by the Executive.

4.9 Impact assessments

An equality impact assessment is a tool for identifying the potential impact of a council's policies, services and functions on its residents and staff. It can help staff provide and deliver excellent services to residents by making sure that these reflect the needs of the community. The council subjects all its policies and strategies to an impact assessment.

4.10 Customer care and service standards

The council is committed to providing quality services, which is outlined in our Customer Charter. 

Read our Customer Charter online.

4.11 Annual Monitoring Report (Local Development Scheme)

Monitoring is an important part of the planning process and plays a critical part in identifying changing situations that may trigger a review of policies.

We prepare Annual Monitoring Reports in order to assess the extent to which policy objectives are being achieved.

View Annual Monitoring Report.

4.12 Statistical information produced

Quarterly performance reports are presented at Overview and Scrutiny Commission.Read the minutes and agendas of the OSC (opens new window).

4.13 Breckland District Local Plan

The council's Adopted Local Plan sets the strategic context for development in the District, governing the decisions made on planning applications, and what types of development are suitable for each area. It is a key document that guides development in the District over the next 20 years.

The Localism Act, introduced in 2011, also comes with a requirement that Local Authorities produce and justify their own housing targets rather than having to rely on the targets set out by the abolished Regional Spatial Strategy (East of England Plan).

TheBreckland Local Plan was adopted on the 28 November 2019. 

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Last modified on 11 May 2023