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Social Prescribing

What is Social Prescribing?

Many things affect your health and wellbeing including non-medical problems such as work or financial stress, money worries or loneliness and isolation. Social prescribing takes a holistic approach to supporting residents by offering people time to explore their issues and take greater control of their health, wellbeing and social welfare. With the support of a Community Connector, residents can be connected to local community activity and access wider support services to address their needs.

Who can benefit from Social Prescribing?

Social prescribing works for a range of people, including:

  • Those with one or more long-term conditions.
  • Those who need support with their mental wellbeing.
  • Those feeling lonely or isolated.
  • Those experiencing financial or housing issues.
  • Those who have complex social needs that impact their wellbeing.
  • Those who are carers or supporting others in some way.

Community Connectors:

Community Connectors support and empower you to make new connections in your community or access information and services that can help you improve your wellbeing.

Community Connectors work alongside Primary Care Networks (PCNs).

To access social prescribing, speak to your registered GP or other health professional about a referral, or make an online self-referral using the link below.

How do I make a referral?

You may self-refer to this service if you are a registered patient at Orchard Surgery, Theatre Royal Surgery, Mattishall & Lenwade Surgery, Toftwood Surgery, Shipdham Surgery or North Elmham Surgery.

You will be asked to provide the following information:

  • Your full name and date of birth.
  • Preferred contact details.
  • Details of the type of help that is required and any relevant history.
  • Consent to share details of the referral with your GP and, if applicable to provide you with the right level of support, compliant statutory and voluntary organisations.

To make a professional referral, you'll need:

  • To be a GP, member of practice staff, or other NHS employee within the Mid-Norfolk PCN, or
  • A compliant Breckland Collaboration Partner, Elected Member, or other community group acting on behalf of a registered patient of Orchard Surgery, Theatre Royal Surgery, Mattishall & Lenwade Surgery, Toftwood Surgery, Shipdham Surgery or North Elmham Surgery.
  • Consent from the individual to refer into the Community Connector team and for information to be accessed and/or shared with compliant Breckland Collaboration Partners.
  • Information to complete the Community Connector Referral Form, which includes:
    • Full names and dates of birth.
    • Contact details of referred individual.
    • Details of the type of help that is required and any relevant history.
    • Details of any risk involved in visiting the individual.

Make an online referral


Young People and Family Social Prescriber

This service can accept referrals for young people aged 11-18 years (25 years with SEND).

Social prescribing can help support people to make lifestyle changes, connect with groups and activities in the community and includes supportive person-centred conversations to help improve health and wellbeing. 

We aim to work with young people to understand what matters to them and provide support to empower young people to reach their goals.

Make an online referral

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Last modified on 13 November 2024